The primary goals of this rock climbing skills introductory course are to teach you how to climb safely and comfortably and be a safe belayer.
This course is suitable for individuals who are curious about climbing and would like to experience the excitement of it in a naturally beautiful location. Individuals involved should feel confident climbing with experienced ones after the course and be capable of successfully passing a rock gym belayer’s exam.
This training is intended to give systematic training opportunities for anyone who wishes to learn more about climbing and become self-sufficient climbers.
Video from the course
Rock Climbing Skills Course Content
Bouldering (Un-roped climbing)
Background and Preparation
Rock technique fundamentals
Design, maintenance, usage, and selection of the right equipment
Technical abilities include knots, tie-ins, spotting, belaying, and abseils/ rappelling
Environmental awareness
Emergency response methods
All with a lot of climbing
Confidence in Bouldering.
Confidence in Rock climbing.
Successfully passing a rock gym belayer’s exam.
The basis for more advanced rock and mountaineering abilities.
Beginner rock climbing course: Ascent Descent Adventures
Duration: 1 Day
Experience: No prior experience is necessary.
Age: Minimum age is 10 years, and there is no upper limit.
Season:Year-round, check the calendar below for the date
Cost Per Person
Course Fee: 3000 INR / 40$ USD
Including and Excluding
Non-Residential: There will be no lodging, meals, or transportation provided. Participants must bring their packed lunch. During the course, just soft drinks and snacks will be provided.
Equipment: All group climbing equipment, ropes, harnesses, helmets, carabiners, etc will be provided. Bring your climbing shoes and a 1-lit personal water bottle. Notebook Pen in a day pack to carry all your stuff.