Balance and comfort are essential while carrying your pack for hours, days, or even weeks at a time. Loading your backpack carefully can even keep you safe on trekking and hiking. It is important to know how to pack a backpack for trekking.
Keep a light and compact backpack for trekking
Pack your stuff in such a way that they are easily accessible. “Master how to pack priority items such as first aid, an emergency kit, delicate or fragile items, climbing gear, or an outer layer in a position so that you can pull them out quickly.”
While packing, distribute the weight of your things evenly inside the Backpack. So that you or your rucksack is not leaning to one side while you are trekking.
Put breakable items in a hard shell, and be innovative while packing your backpack i.e. your sunglasses/headlamp could go inside socks and then inside boots or wrap in the fleece.
Have things like your water bottle, camera, rainproof/windproof and a light fleece or a jumper, a toilet roll, and some medication fairly accessible (should be inside/hood pocket).
Having your things packed in a big plastic bag or several small ones inside the rucksack adds to the waterproofing.
Make sure that fluids (emergency water bottle etc.) inside your backpack is properly closed, any leak can spoil your day.
Avoid strings/straps hanging from your rucksack.
Carrying loads at lower altitude help in faster acclimatization for the higher altitude.
Before picking up your rucksack and hitting the trail, it’s always good to adjust your shoulder and waist strap according to your body. Ideally, 30% of the weight of your backpack should be on your shoulder and 70% come on your waist.
It is possible to leave clothes and other items not required on the trip at the hotel.
Backpacks, Ascent Descent Adventures
Personal First Aid Kit
Carry any personal medication that you may need.
Surgical Gloves and Mask.
Band-Aid few strips.
Doctor tape.
Bandage roll 2 inches.
Gauze couple piece.
Iodine cream tube.
Week Iodine 50 ml for treating drinking water.
Pain killer – ibuprofen 5 tablets.
Anti pyretic – paracetamol 5 tablets.
Imodium – 8 tablets.
Needle/scissors/cotton roll.
This DIY First Aid Kit video has all of the supplies needed for injuries and illnesses for your backpack.
Written By
shashi lagwal
India’s first female bungee jump master. Since 1998, she has been a mountain guide, and in 2010, she co-founded Ascent Descent Adventures. Dual Master’s degrees in Psychology and Business Management.
India's first female bungee jump master. Since 1998, she has been a mountain guide, and in 2010, she co-founded Ascent Descent Adventures. Dual Master’s degrees in Psychology and Business Management.